Hello everyone,
This blog is about cockatiel's and what is best for them. I have a friend cockatiel that I bird sit for, her name is Missy. I have become very attatched to her. Cockatiel's are native to the arid and semi-arid areas of Australia. They are prized as household pets thoughout the world. Cocktaiels have a tendency to have a very sweet demeanor, but that is not always true. It depends on how they are raised, handeled and kept, has a great effect on the temperment of this bird.
My experience with Missy is that she is a very loving and playful pet. She is very gregorious and sociable with me, but can be shy with people she doesn't know. She is allowed to roam freely around the house, but we have clipped her wings to keep her from being hurt by ceiling fans or other hazards that might pose a risk to her. She follows me around the house and loves to sit and sleep on my shoulder when I am sitting down. Cockatiel's are generally well socialized birds and enjoy phyiscal contact. Missy loves to be petted on her neck and scratched on her head and neck, (two places she can't easily scratch herself.)
Cockatiels do have a reputation for being demanding, and Missy is no exception. She is not noisy like Pedro (her parrot partner) but she does let me know when I leave the room by cheeping at me. She

We keep Missy's bird cage in the living room where she has contact with the whole family and also my four westies. This helps when new people come and she isn't so confused or scared.

Most Cockatiels don't talk, but they like to sing. Missy sings to my dogs. It is very surprising, because most westies don't like birds, but mine have been raised with her. For the average Cockatiel I wouldn't suggest letting them be free around dogs.
We have a very nice bird cage for Missy when she comes to visit. I made sure I picked a bird cage that is large enough, 1/2" bar spacing and easy to clean. It is different than the one she has at home, but she is accustomed to it and very happy. When we are away she is kept in her bird cage, but when home she has the run of the house. You just have to be careful not to step on her.

Cockatiels in their natural-habitat of Australia eat mainly grass seeds. A diet of only dry seeds is inadequate for pet Cockatiels or any pet parrot species. We supplement Missy's diet with whole cereals and whole grains, edible blossoms and flowers, (but remember some leaves are poisinous to Cockatiels.) We also feed her cauliflower or broccoli leaves. She also gets all apples and bananas.
Bird Pellets specifically formulated for Cockatiels are all healthy additions.
Alcohol, avacado, chocolate, caffine, or products containing lactose, garlic and onions present a danger of toxicosis and should not be fed....
I hope you have enjoyed reading about Missy our Cockatiel friend and all the information about how we care for her. Cockatiel's are a wonderful bird to own and a great pet for the whole family.
1 comment:
Proper Parrot Cage
Birds might have small brains, however they are very intelligent beings that require stimulation most of the waking hours. You will wish to get parrot out of parrot cage many times in a day to play with. But, you cannot play with that every time and it is proven that to have bird toys reduces bird's tendency to the bad habits like nipping or else screeching. If you rotate toys frequently, five to six toys must be fine. You would like to see that your parrot doesn’t get bored.
Now let us get to specific bird toys that you will wish to get and bird toys will not have to be very expensive. Actually, few household goods will make acceptable toys. Birds like saying with the cardboard rolls from the paper towels or else wrapping paper. They like to play with the paper & plastic frayed jugs of milk. Birds play with some baby toys like rattles & wooden balls and all toys should be toxic free.
You would like to ensure that you get very good birdcages for parrot. You can decide where you will put your parrot cage; get idea of how large it should be. Also you will have to put somewhere that you enjoy hanging out, so bird is with you whenever you are at home. Purchase metal parrot cage, and ensure that all wires are unbroken and are in very good shape. Metal cages are easiest to clean and they are most economical. Check to ensure that parrot cannot get head stuck between bars. Parrots like square cages to round cages so they will snuggle up in corner to sleep.
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